- antique furniture
- старинная мебель
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Antique furniture — is the term for collectible interior furnishings of considerable age; often its age, rarity, condition, utility, or other unique features makes the furniture desirable.Antique furniture may support the human body (such as seating or beds),… … Wikipedia
Chinese antique furniture — Classic Ming style furniture The Chinese antique furniture is one kinds of traditional Chinese furniture with oriental style. The Chinese antique furniture is different in classic Chinese furniture which is made in hardwood, The Chinese antique… … Wikipedia
antique — [an tēk′] adj. [Fr < L antiquus, ancient, old < ante, before] 1. of ancient times; ancient; old 2. out of date; old fashioned 3. in the style of classical antiquity 4. of, or in the style of, a former period 5. dealing in antiques n … English World dictionary
Antique — An antique (Latin: antiquus ; old) is an old collectible item. It is collected or desirable because of its age, rarity, condition, utility, or other unique features. It is an object that represents a previous era in human society.Antiques are… … Wikipedia
antique — antiquely, adv. antiqueness, n. /an teek /, adj., n., v., antiqued, antiquing. adj. 1. of or belonging to the past; not modern. 2. dating from a period long ago: antique furniture. 3. noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately 25 years old … Universalium
antique — 01. We bought a beautiful [antique] lamp in a little store on Fort Street. 02. Collecting [antique] furniture is a very expensive hobby. 03. We found this table at a little [antique] dealer in Boston. 04. Bo gave Sherri a beautiful [antique] ring … Grammatical examples in English
antique — an|tique1 [ˌænˈti:k] adj [usually before noun] [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: Latin antiquus, from ante before ] antique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable ▪ an antique rosewood desk antique 2 antique2 n ↑arm, ↑ … Dictionary of contemporary English
antique */ — I UK [ænˈtiːk] / US [ænˈtɪk] noun [countable] Word forms antique : singular antique plural antiques an old object such as a piece of furniture or jewellery that is valuable because it is rare, beautiful, or well made The desk is an antique. an… … English dictionary
antique — an|tique1 [ ,æn tik ] adjective * old and valuable: antique furniture antique an|tique 2 [ æn tik ] noun count * an old object such as a piece of furniture or jewelry that is valuable because it is rare, beautiful, or well made: The desk is an… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
antique — /ænˈtik / (say an teek) adjective 1. belonging to former times as contrasted with modern. 2. dating from an early period: antique furniture. 3. Colloquial very old fashioned. 4. Archaic aged; ancient: these antique walls. –noun 5. an object of… …
antique — 1 adjective 1 antique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable: an antique rosewood desk 2 formal connected with ancient times, especially ancient Rome or Greece 2 noun (C) a piece of furniture, jewellery etc that was made a very long… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English